Location:Instructions for proposal submission
Instructions for proposal submission
Release date:2022-04-14 09:28:30 Author:oug

An account is needed for the proposal submission. If you do not have an account, please register at https://login.ihep.ac.cn/regist.jsp and get your account activated by e-mail. The profile of your account can be edited at http://proposal.ihep.ac.cn/member/profile.jspx.

Log in and find the appropriate class for your proposal on the left and click it. All proposals are grouped into “Cycle XX Proposal” and “Ad hoc Proposal”. The “Cycle XX Proposal” includes “Guest Proposal”, "Core Proposal” and “Calibration Proposal”.

The explanations for the items of the proposals are listed below.

(1) Proposal Title (Required): the title of your proposal;

(2) Abstract (Required): the abstract of the proposal should be within 200 words;

(3) Subject Category (Required): choose the appropriate subject category for your proposal in the pop-up list;

(4) Why Insight-HXMT is needed to achieve the goal? (Required)

Proposers should justify the use of Insight-HXMT to accomplish the the scientific objectives, in contrast to using other available observatories or already existing archival data. (More details can be provided in the attachment)

(5) Investigator Information: the information of Co-investigator(s) could be added here;

(6) Target(s) (Required): By clicking “Add”, you could add one or more targets for the proposal. The observation mode of “Pointing” or “Small Area Scan” should be specified. ‘Clone’ or ‘deleted’ can be used to copy/delete the target.


A: Pointing

a) Target Name (Required): the common name (e.g. Crab) or standard nomenclature (J0534+2200) can be used;

b) Target Description: a brief description of the target;

c) Target Position (Required)the position in J2000 Coordinate. RA: hh:mm:ss.sss (ddd.dd)DEC: (±)dd:mm:ss.sss (ddd.dd) are supported. The digit before the dot cannot be omitted. The default value may be filled automatically, but you are free to change it.

d) Energy band (Required)the required energy band for the observation;

e) Flux (Required)the estimated flux in HE, ME, and LE, respectively.

f) Total Exposure Time (Required)the required total exposure time in ks;

g) Number of Observations (Required)the required number of observations;

h) Off-axisIf the off-axis observation is need, check the box and provide the pointing position (RA/DEC);

i) ToO Observations (Required): Choose 'Yes' (or 'No') if it is (or not) a ToO observations. Give the urgency of alerting HSOC staff (next business day, next day or immediately) and the trigger flux.

j) Coordinate Observations: Choose if it is a coordinate observations. Specify the coordinating instruments and give the technical feasibility of the observations using the relevant facilities.

k) Observation ConstraintsGive the observation constraints, including:

l  Observation time: choose if the fixed timelines are needed;

l  Monitoring ObservationsChoose for monitoring the target The minimal/maximal interval should be given as well;

l  Phase Dependent ObservationsChoose for the phase dependent observation. The phase 0 Epoch (in MJD format), period (in days), and the needed minimal/maximal phase should be given.

l  Other Constraints: Give other constraints. For ToO observations, please give the trigger flux and/or justification for ToO.


B: Small Area Scan:

Almost the same as the “pointing". The extra items include

a) Center R.A./Center DEC. (Required): the scan center in RA/DEC;

b) Radius (Required)the scan radius in 7°-10°;

c) Scan angular velocity (Required)choose the scan angular velocity from one of the three: 0.01°/s, 0.03°/s or 0.06 °/s;

d) Step (Required): the scan step between the two adjacent routes, optional in 0.1°,0.2° , 0.3°… 1.0°;

e) Scan number (Required): the required number of scan.


(7) Upload the attachment for the “Observation feasibility analysis of each target”. (Required)

The standard application format can be download: http://enghxmt.ihep.ac.cn/wd/282.jhtml


“Observation feasibility analysis of each target” for EACH TARGET should be uploaded. Otherwise, the target(s) will not be accepted.


(8) Upload the attachment of “proposal for Insight-HXMT Observations”.

Doc, docx, pdf, rar, tar formats are all accepted.

The standard application format can be download: http://enghxmt.ihep.ac.cn/wd/282.jhtml

 (9) After you finish the above, please click save. Then the Proposal Submission System will do basic checks on your proposal. If your proposal passes all checks, it will be saved in the Proposal List, which will be shown on the left of the Proposal page. You can view, modify or delete the proposals, add, modify or delete targets, update the attachments before the deadline. Then after the deadline, the proposal will be submitted automatically and can not be changed any more.