Data Policy of Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope
(Updated version, November 14, 2019)
Chapter 1 General Principles
1. Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) is China's first astronomical telescope and designed to observe X-ray sources in 1-250 keV energy band, aiming at providing scientific supports for both domestic and international astronomers.
2. Following the international resource sharing principle, this management is made to standardize the HXMT data management, make full use of the data product and maximize the scientific achievements.
3. This management consists of data co-ordinate and management, data product classification and definition, user classification, user support and obligation and international collaboration et. al.
4. This management is applicable for Insight-HXMT data ONLY.
Chapter 2 Data Co-ordinate and Management
5. Insight-HXMT data product and international cooperation are managed by China National Space Administration (CNSA) who authorizes Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to be in charge of HXMT data management, distribution, archive, application and scientific research.
6. In order to provide consultation and vital decision for Insight-HXMT scientific observation and research, international Science Advise Committee (ISAC) and Science work committee (SWC) are established by CNSA and CAS, whose duties and regulations are described in "The work regulation of HXMT ISAC and SWC ". ISAC and SWC further set up a secretariat to maintain daily work.
Chapter 3 Data Product Classification and Definition
7. There are three main payloads on-board Insight-HXMT, the high energy telescope (HE, 25-250 keV), the medium energy telescope (ME, 5-30 keV) and the low energy telescope (LE, 1-15 keV).
8. Approved core and guest scientific observation (including ToO observation and instrumental calibration observation) are scheduled after the in-orbit delivery of HXMT. Based on the type of observation, the HXMT scientific data product is divided into three classes:
i. Core scientific data, obtained from the core scientific observation;
ii. Guest scientific data, obtained from the guest scientific observation;
iii. Non-proposal data, the rest of the data apart from the first two types.
9. Based on the data process routine, HXMT scientific data product is defined as three types:
i. Level 0 data, the preliminary decoded and deframed data downloaded from the space station;
ii. Level 1 data, raw data merging from Level 0 through data deduplication, matching, ranking, unpacking and so on.
iii. Level 2 data, general data product extracted from Level 1 data, i. e., light-curves, spectra, images and catalogs.
Chapter 4 User Classification
10. Insight-HXMT data management and user support vary on the type of the user.
11. Users are generally divided into three teams: core science team, guest science team and general science team. Core science team is made up of scientists with core observation proposals; guest science team is made up of scientists with guest observation proposals; and general research team is made up of scientists doing their research with Insight-HXMT publicly data.
12. All the scientists mentioned above MUST register on the Insight-HXMT website (
Chapter 5 Data Product Support
13. On the fulfillment of the relevant regulations of CNSA and CAS, CAS is charge of providing data product for domestic and international scientists, encouraging the usage of HXMT data, and supporting the data application and add-on service.
14. According to the relevant policies and regulations of China and the international astronomical conventions, Insight-HMXT data are reserved for the exclusive use of proposer team for a fixed period of time ( proprietary period), after which they become publicly available (publicly period).
15. During the proprietary period, level 0 and 1 data products can only be accessed by authorized users, after which they will be publicly available for all users.
i. Core scientific data, can only be accessed by core science team during the proprietary period. The proprietary period is normally one year from the time one receives level 1 data product.
ii. Guest scientific data, can only be accessed by guest science team during the proprietary period. The the proprietary period is normally one year from the time one receives level 1 data product.
iii. Non-proposal data, the usage is decided by principle investigator (PI). The proprietary period is one year from the time one receives level 1 data product.
iv. Under special circumstances, for instances, extending the duration of the proprietary period or adjusting the usage of data product should ask for permissions from the PI and SWC.
16. HXMT calibration data product, including instrumental calibration data, will be released together with scientific data; Auxiliary engineering data, i.e., attitude, orbit, time, payload status, et al. will be released as auxiliary data.
17. Level 0 data product will NOT be released to the public.
18. During the in-orbit operation of Insight-HXMT, the data distribution is arranged by Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). Once approved by the PI, National Space Science Center (NSSC) of the Chinese Academy of Science can distribute the data product as well. After the de-commission of Insight-HXMT, NSSC will be in charge of the data distribution and permanent archival management.
Chapter 6 Data Management for International Cooperation
19. We encourage international scientists and organizations to use Insight-HXMT data for scientific research. Insight-HMXT follows the international resource sharing principle for international cooperation.
i. International scientific organizations are encouraged to use Insight-HMXT data product, on the basis of following the agreement or memos signed by Chinese government and Foreign government.
ii. International scientists and domestic scientists have the same rights and obligations in Insight-HMXT core science team.
iii. International scientists and domestic scientists have the same rights and obligations in Insight-HMXT guest science team.
iv. International scientists and domestic scientists have the same rights and obligations in Insight-HMXT general science team.
Chapter 7 User Obligation
20. Users are obligated to declare the application of Insight-HXMT in their publications. For example, "This work has made use of the data from the Insight-HXMT mission, a project funded by China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)".
21. We are not responsible for the consequences of improper use of Insight-HMXT data.
22. Users are obligated to provide feedback of data application and scientific achievements. CAS consigns NSSC to collect the feedback of data application and scientific achievements.
Chapter 8 Appendix
23. The publication relevant policy for all scientific achievements (paper, book and patent, will be issued separately.
24. Any tort when using Insight-HXMT data will be held criminally responsible.
25. This management is issued and explained by CNSA.
26. This management shall be implemented by the date of issuance.